Pakistan is perhaps a unique country in the whole world where the word “NORMAL” is slowly diminishing or being extinguish. It is either news, incidents, or stories. All would falls under box of Abnormalities. Actually, a continuous series of unfortunate events seems never ending.
It is the only country, which owes to fight against terror; it gives sacrifice of thousands of civilians, army men, and an ex-PM’s life but then also convicts the main person or a hero who helped to vanquish the mastermind of terrorism. It is at the same time the only country, whose parliament passes resolutions after resolutions for sovereignty yet at the same time helplessly witness drone attacks.
It is the only country, where you would witness no law and order in the biggest city. Dozens are killed every day for no reason, also police has arrested no one for the assassination of a woman due to open fire on road, who was victims of death only being part of the protest rally against movement of refugee province.
It is the only country where you would daily read a great number of kidnappings for ransom or rape incidents of young girls even of age four and six., no matter how against the whole nation, government, administration is, but no one has ever been able to stop the incidents, or convict the defendants publically. In fact, no one even bothers to follow the trials of proceedings indeed. Media only cover the story of the rape, organisations issues statements on channels, and then another incident happens so the show goes on.
This is also the only country, where Prime minister rudely says to the one-third population to leave and choose even hell to settle down, because if they are not happy within the country, then they should rather leave it forever.
This is the only country, where you would see its own citizen (honourable ambassador to US), ridiculed in the media and in the courts, but a foreigner citizen to not only be treated as darling but giving directions to the courts and commission to take his statement in some other country.

Finally, this is the country, where you would see a culprit, a corrupt making signs of victory with pride, and appearing proudly before the courts. You would see politicians penalised due to political disputes in courts but not a true culprit or corrupt convicted for wrong doing, however, I was very hopeful and optimist during the recent shocking proceedings of Family gate Scandal.
Luxury flats, London and Monte Carlo trip, Buddha bar Casino, a beautiful companion and the name of the DON, who was no other but Arsalan Iftikhar, son of Supreme Court’s chief justice. One of the country's top business tycoons; Malik Riaz showed the list to a specific group of journalists. That he was black mailed by Arsalan Iftikhar’s false hopes of helping him for his cases in “His father’s court”. The matter was first discussed in closed drawing rooms for months, until one of those journalists leaked the story on you tube and then the case was opened in court by CJ’s suo moto action.
I still cannot believe that is that really a true scandal or a plot of some successful Bollywood ‘Masala’ (Fast and Furious kind of Spicy plot) movie. As the allegations were seriously grave and prima facie credible. Also, so authentic that it is still hard to believe that how could CJ remained unaware of such a big scandal within his own home. How could he believed that his son started earning millions of dollars suddenly who had no job a few year ago, how couldn’t he think that what magic his son showed in business which 98% of other businessmen can’t.
However, his honesty is beyond all reasonable doubts and he was rather seen with more respect after suo moto action against his own son’s case, although later he excluded himself from the bench. And the case became a hot topic to be discussed in all TV and talk shows.
Pakistan is, nevertheless, again a unique and for sure only country in the world, where the prime entertainment time is fully hijacked by political talk shows. The case is not that the media has no entertainment channels, but it is because of the pubic that political shows are now more entertaining than any other entertainment. Like old roman days where the only entertainment of romans was to watch their gladiators fighting to death. Similarly Our public has also said GOODBYE to cinema, theatres, and drama industry for their media gladiators. They get excited by seeing their favourite politicians raising fists and abusing each other’s. In other words, these political actors are fulltime entertainers to satisfy the torturous lust of our frustrated public. Who themselves cannot do anything against the corruption, load shedding and terrorism but at least feel good by watching their opponent leaders insulted by their favourite leaders at the peak dinnertime.
Any ways, summing up the point that the case had become a blasting topic to be discussed and watched over dinner tables, offices, social media and perhaps even in bedrooms. Also, Due to not tackling the matter carefully in media, the family gate scandal turned to filth gate scandal.
However, first time, we witnessed a major split. Although, no one had any doubt on the honesty of Chief Justice, who has an image of Saint George of Pakistan, Yes the same Saint George who fought against dragon in the city of silence. Here in this case, our Saint George fought against the dragons of corruption in the city of chaos. He became the sign of freedom and hope of any poor. Although, the split was actually on his son’s role, one group called it conspiracy while the other insisted that the corrupt son shall be punished, and CJ must sacrifice for his son for the sake of saving the institution.
Nevertheless, Friedrich Nietzsche perhaps said a quote for our current scenario that “He who fights too long against the dragons becomes a dragon itself.” the CJ fought against the dragons, the nation made him saint, and made him so powerful that he himself became a symbol of resect and not the Supreme court. However, the question is that if he himself becomes a dragon then what may happen. Like, in past few months, a few media correspondents and some politicians persuaded his attention for their own agenda.. It happened in past campaigns, especially in Memo gate Scandal, where only due to news reports PML-N jumped to the SC about the inquiry. Or SC took actions against government for planting a conspiracy by only depending on media reports of a specific group.
He is no doubt honest, but no one can deny that he gave many controversial verdicts against a specific party, which is in government. There are many other cases against other groups and parties, but the main target since his restoration remained only one party. Similarly, his suo moto actions in number of cases were calculated, he took a great effort against missing persons, but he never reached to the main cause of those missing people. He never listened to the other side of the story by the agencies who had their own logics of taking those people. However, I myself am against of that kind of prosecution as every human even a criminal has basic rights, they could be taken publically and brought before the courts, no matter even military courts, but at least they should be given chance of a fair trial. But the way CJ behaved in the proceedings , gave other impression to the agencies.
He took suo moto in many cases but surprisingly he never reopened any trial proceedings against 12th May 2007 incident. Where more than seventy people were killed only due to him.

The whole nation saw a hostile commission against Mr Haqqanni and then the laughable report of the commission. However, for his own son, his own created bench only issued a short order by referring the matter in hands of Attorney General, who immediately said that there would be no action if the culprit returns the money. It is beyond thinking that if SC had to do so then what was the need of taking suo moto action? People are compelled to think that by giving the matter in the hands of government who itself is involved in corruption cases is more likely to balancing the equation.
As it simply would end the matter and people would see another smiling face walking away from the court with the sign of victory... Like Shah Rukh Khan said in his blockbuster movie that it is not only difficult but also nearly impossible to catch a DON.
On the other hand, the filth gate scandal has now turned into Media gate. A list of journalists suddenly circulated in social media that they were bribed from MR and at the same time, the other group leaked a “Behind the Scene” conversation of two anchors with MR to establish it as a planted interview. It is irrelevant to write that one of them is fired from job, and other is going through the process of survival... However, even if they would survive, they would not go out to face the hostile public. Not only this, but the full court had a special session on that interview, that why it was released, which means that the judges would be considered like prophets or holy cow and anyone who would ever dare to speak on their corruption ( if any) may be in breach of their self created blasphemy rules.
They could have call the session for the supremacy of the Court, but not for their own selves.
Now, my question in this media gate scandal to my media brothers and sisters, that aren’t we all slanders of behind the scenes or in OFF THE RECORD conversations. As a media woman, I know how do we instruct or get instructions by our employers, directors or even from influential guests….
Therefore, if it is all published, then we all are not slanders, but libels. So if it is so, then where are our human rights…?
Therefore, here is the point where journalists like me are scared to write that if any of their word offends a specific group with harsh mentality and extremism, then anything could happen to them, they could be fired by their organisations, they can be ridiculed by extremists on Twitter, and other social media. Alternatively, that hostile group of lawyers who even beat the judges in lower courts can beat them. Because, the trend is scaring me that anyone is punishable who would raise voice with their own opinion. Why our level of tolerance has gone below zzero level that we only see other person’s corruption but if it comes to our own wrongdoing, we become ready to cut their throats.
Although I am within the reach on Social media, but physically, I am little saved for not being in Pakistan. Otherwise, I would face the same kind of bullies, who threated me to death only due to giving water to stray dogs and cats in extremely hot weather of Pakistan only due to that reason that they would grab them and touch their clothes in the way to mosque for prayers. Those poor creatures used to cuddle on every road passer that they would be also kind like this crazy writer and would give them food and water. It is irrelevant to write that those all poor creatures were poisoned to death by the same group.
Therefore, you never know the level of frustration of the other, and you never know about their beliefs. We are again emerging as a unique nation, who says hip hip to sweet and thu thu to bitter.
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