The black day of 9/11 again brought a new conspiracy with a black day in Ben Ghazi, Libya, where US ambassador along with second diplomat, Sean Smith, and two other US officials killed by an outrageous mob. A large group of furious and notorious people savagely stormed Embassy as a reaction against movie “Innocence of Muslims”.
The two-hour long movie, which sparked protests and wrath of Muslims in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya, and other Islamic world, credited to a writer and director Sam Bacile who describes himself as an Israeli Jew and said to be lived in California. However, there is no record found of him on that particular address or with other portfolio as a director.
Steve Klien, who was consultant of that provoking movie, said to Los Angeles Times that he is not responsible for violence, also he had no idea about the reaction of Muslims. He further said to Atlantic Magazine that the name of the director Sam Bacile was a pseudonym. However, Klien declined to identify Bacile and only said that he is man in fifties and a Christian.
The clip of the movie was first posted on you tube in this July by same name Bacile. Moreover, it apparently made with the aim to outrage emotions of Muslims. The whole movie is clearly a production of an amateur and actors not only stiffly delivering dialogues against the prophet Mohammad but also ridiculously mocking the life of the prophet. The film also portrayed (Nauzobillah) Mohammad as naïve, and a philanderer. Moreover, there are clips of sex scenes with ridiculous dialogues is blasphemous to depict the Prophet.

The apparent cause of the contumelious reaction of Arab world was the dubbing of the movie in Arabic. Therefore, violence was mostly limited to Egypt and Libya initially, though now it has not only spread until Tunisia and threatened to spread in other Muslim Countries but also strongly condemned by Muslim leaders. Karzai condemned the film as a devilish act. In Egypt, Prime Minister Hisham Kandi vowed to act against the filmmakers. Pakistani Politician Altaf Hussain also wrote a letter to UK government. However, no Islamic leader encouraged Muslim community for any provoking activity with violence.
Therefore, the question comes in mind that when the clip was uploaded in July then why the reaction occurred specifically on 9/11? There are some reports of sending the clips by text messages to Arab youth a few days before 9/11. . We cannot deny the link of Al-Qayeda extremists as one Libyan security official blamed the attack on Ansar-Al-Sharia, which is Al-Qaida’s Sunni Islamist and active group in Benghazi. So one is forced to think that, what benefit they would get by putting Islamic world into further jeopardy. What is the specific agenda of killing an innocent US consular, who had close personal terms with Muslims, when actors of the movie are also known?
One cannot deny that there might be one evil mind behind this whole conspiracy. Who clearly knew and set all points to play at right time. As it is beyond imagination that when US consular staff rushed to safe house after initial attack, which was supposed to be a secret place, then who told the groups about their whereabouts?
Why the mob specifically chose this day which in nothing but a nightmare not only for US but for whole Muslim world. What are the links of this attack with the upcoming elections in US?

Who is Sam Bacile? Why he chose Muslims and this topic for his filthy movie on this specific time i-e US elections? What can be the worst outcome when US Marine would arrive to Libya to “Deliver Justice?” after president Obama’s statement that “justice will be done”.
Finally the last but not the least question, that why the haunting ghost of 9/11 why only chooses Americans and US?